Welcome to Comrade’s documentation!

Installing and Upgrading

python3 -m venv comrade

source comrade/bin/activate

pip install --upgrade git+https://github.com/aayars/comrade

For subsequent activation of the virtual environment, run source bin/activate while in the comrade directory. To deactivate, run deactivate.


To install Comrade in a dev env:

git clone https://github.com/aayars/comrade

cd comrade

python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate

python setup.py develop
python setup.py install_scripts

For subsequent activation of the virtual environment, run source venv/bin/activate while in the comrade directory. To deactivate, run deactivate.


Comrade needs your connection info in a config file. Create a file named config.json with the following keys:

  "mastodon_token": "Your Mastodon access token",
  "mastodon_instance": "Base URL of your Mastodon instance, if not mastodon.social",

  "api_key": "(deprecated) Your Twitter API key",
  "api_secret": "(deprecated) Your Twitter API secret",
  "access_token": "(deprecated) Your Twitter access token",
  "access_secret": "(deprecated) Your Twitter access secret"


Run a script with --help for more info.


Post images to Twitter and/or Mastodon (depending on what’s in your config file)